Hi there!

My name is Shrusti (you can also call me Ghela), and I am a Data Scientist!

I have always been a math geek, and this love for math, solving puzzles, and finding patterns led me to do engineering during my UG days. I studied IT at the Vellore Institute of Technology, and this is where I learned to combine my love for patterns with data.

I became passionate about turning data-driven insights into powerful narratives and stories. This passion triggered my next jump to the University of Washington. At UW, I completed a master’s in Data Science and worked as a Text Mining Specialist at the eScience Institute. I collaborated with researchers to solve NLP problems that helped create powerful computer systems with the ability to understand human language. How cool is that?

I also interned at Constellation Software Inc., where I specialized in solving the challenges of integrated customer views and creating smarter targeted ad campaigns. My role involved extracting, cleaning, and analyzing data to uncover insights to develop effective marketing strategies!

At the moment, I’m working on a few different things, including coming up with a way to measure how accurate the content generated by Large Language Models is (LLMs are cool but there is still a long way to go!). I'm also busy building a telenursing platform that uses AI technology, and lastly, I’m developing a mobile app that can help you check if you have COVID-19 or any other respiratory illnesses just by recording your cough. It’s a lot, but I’m excited about all of these projects!

So that’s me! A data junkie who is fascinated by every aspect the Dataverse has to offer, combined with a curiosity to uncover stories and build solutions!